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About XParts Management
The Software XParts Management (XPM) displays the entire logistics chain transparently, from supplier to end customer. At any time, every user has an overview about the ordered articles, their individual components, which we call X-Parts and the current status. In addition, the system provides labels for each part, a photo documentation and traces which components are stowed in which package. Complex industrial projects in particular benefit from this. Due to the detailed documentation, the technical supervisors of these projects can have exactly those packages delivered that are needed for the project’s progress.
Search times and wastage are thus minimized and commissioning times and costs are significantly reduced. The System is web-based and allows the linkage of suppliers for the pre-qualification of deliveries and gives information for project managers, shipping department and decision makers.
Supply Chain Management on a new Level!
With the focus on logistics, the value-added process always follows the same milestones, with more or less complex intermediate steps. Within each milestone, XPM offers numerous of benefits.
How can you as an individual stakeholder benefit from XPM?
With XPM, you ensure that your supplier has delivered all necessary components of an order. This guarantees the highest delivery quality at the destination.
Receipt of Goods
Complex components consist of many individual parts. Thanks to the integration of suppliers and a detailed photo documentation, you can be sure that every order has been delivered completely.
XPM provides transparency for your warehouse so you can observe current deliveries in order to plan your resources.
with XPM, you control the supply of your production according to demand thanks to integrated retrieval logic.
With XPM and the appropriate photo app, you can document allcomponents and individual parts so that the recipient receives the highest level of transparency and quality.
Delight your customers with all necessary shipping documents, stowage plans and parts lists in no time.
With XPM mobile app the receipt of packages can be conveniently confirmed by scanning the barcode with any smartphone.
XPARTS Features
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